Monday, September 22, 2014

Sprouting...Super easy technique

What exactly is sprouting you may ask? Basically it's taking any dried bean/legume/seed and germinating it to be eaten raw or cooked. Sprouting is a great way to provide greens and live food for consumption in a very affordable way. 1/2 cup of dried legumes can make close to 4 cups of sprouts! By germinating the seed you are creating a food that is easily digestible, contains live enzymes, B-vitamins, amino-acids, proteins and healthy fats. You are also decreasing the total starches, phytates and protease-inhibitors (which are considered anti-nutrients).

Sprouting is simple! You can use a jar with a perforated lid, or you can use one of these nifty domes that purchased for under $20 at a trade show. Basically, depending on which method you are using, you'll be soaking the sprouts in water for 8-12 hrs, and then rinsing twice daily (every 12 hrs) until you have achieved the desired level of sprouting (2-3 days). This video will show you the simple process:

These photos are taken on day 2 and day 3 of the process:

Dr. Anna Falkowski HBSc, ND
Naturopathic Doctor, Clinic Director
Twitter: @NaturoDoctor
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